As the dependency of the AppSealing functionality for the iOS SDK occurs due to changes in the iOS AppStore's certificate, deprecations are announced for security versions where features and functionality are no longer available.

If you are using the deprecated version, please check the latest alternative version that is provided to resolve app closing issue or AppStore registration issue.

Please check the end of technical support, service removal, and the alternative version of the iOS and Hybrid iOS AppSealing Deprecated version. The table below is a list of deprecated AppSealing versions and release information.

Also, we are planning to make automated certificate updates to avoid the same situation for AppStore's other certificate updates.

ProductDeprecated versionRelated InformationReleased DateEnd of Service Life
iOS AppSealing Script error fixed2021/1/6
Aug. 31th, 2021 stability2021/5/10 using 3rd-party library built with Boring-SSL2021/7/5
Hybrid iOS AppSealing1.0.0.0Support for the React Native 0.64.x2021/05/10 using 3rd-party library built with Boring-SSL2021/07/5

Alternative AppSealing Versions
VersionInformationReleased Date
ver. and higherAppStore certificate update is applied to this version2021/08/26

Alternative Hybrid AppSealing Versions
VersionInformationReleased Date
ver. and higherAppStore certificate update is applied to this version2021/08/26
Last Updated: 9/19/2024, 6:47:13 AM